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Amherst may extend solarize campaign

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Joseph Popiolkowski
July 31, 2017

Amherst’s campaign to promote solar panels on residential roofs may be extended, officials said.

The campaign launched in May has resulted in 50 contracts with the town’s three preferred installers including Solar Liberty – said Supervisor Barry A. Weinstein.

The campaign was slated to end Monday but the Town Board is expected to consider extending it through September 30. The town has also waived the electrical permit fee for all contracts.

For leading the campaign, the town is eligible for a $250,000 grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. The town’s application calls for using the grant to install 70 solar panels on the Clearfield Recreation Center roof, as well as an electric car charging station, Weinstein said.

More information is online at solarizeamherst.org
