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Central Terminal is going green thanks to solar panels

Buffalo Central Terminal

(image courtesy Scripps Media, Inc.)
Nikki DiMentri
October 22, 2018

Buffalo, N.Y. (WKBW) – A six year project in the making came to fruition Monday at Buffalo Central Terminal.

“We’re really bringing the building into the 21st Century by installing solar panels,” Solar Liberty Vice President, Nathan Rizzo, said.

Solar Liberty–a local energy company–offered the Central Terminal Restoration Corporation (CTRC) an opportunity to flip the bill for solar panels.  This all part of program originally introduced to CTRC in 2012.

“Currently our electric bill is around $400 a month and this will drop our bill down to next to nothing,” Chairman Paul Lang of CTRC added.

The three day installation will add about 206 panels to a part of the flat roof, which will in turn, provide 50 kilowatts of power.  All of this energy will be enough to power the terminal for the foreseeable future, Rizzo said.

Initially the project was delayed due to a variety of issues. Roof repairs and around $200,000 electrical upgrades took years to fix.  CTRC self-funded to fix the roof, while Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes funded the electrical upgrades.

“That gave us the initiative or the foot in the door so to speak to say look because of this we can do this and that starts a ripple effect of growth throughout the redevelopment,” Lang said.
