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Jan. 24th: National “Shout Out for Solar” Day!

Help spread the word on Facebook and Twitter as we celebrate solar energy’s record-shattering year in 2013. #GoSolar #USA

When all of the numbers are finally in, 2013 will go down as a record-shattering year for the U.S. solar industry. We’ve now join Germany, China and Japan as worldwide leaders when it comes to the installation of new solar capacity.

Today, solar is one of the fastest-growing industries in America, employing 120,000
workers and generating an estimated 13 gigawatts (that’s a lotta watts) of clean
electricity – enough to effectively power 2 million homes.

Adam: “Bringing solar to the world … one solar panel at a time!”

This guy, Ryan, gives a big ‘thumbs up’ for solar!

Andrew and camera shy, Mel, support solar, even when it’s -4 degrees outside!

Come on Cowboy … show everyone
how you support solar! (thanks
Jun & Yu)

Like father, like ‘sun’ … solar is all in the family for Cole & Matthew:)

… Walt does too!

Stephanie & Shirley ‘count’ on solar …

Like father, like ‘sun’ … solar is all in the family for Cole & Matthew:)