Steuben Has The Power
STEUBEN, NY – The Town of Steuben has taken the lead in updating its municipal facilities to save on the cost of utilities. Their latest project saw the installation of solar panels on the roof of the Town Hall. Commission staff assisted the town with its application to NYSERDA and the town was awarded $43,470 in funding for the project. Contractor Solar Liberty has been working the last few weeks to install the solar panels, meters, inverters and other necessary components for the project. The new meters will meas-ure the power coming in as well as going out. It is estimated that the solar panels will meet 100% of the need of electrical power for the town hall. If more power is generated then used, the power company (National Grid) will make a payment to the town for the excess power.
This is one of several projects completed by the town to reduce energy costs. The town also worked with the NYS Power Authority who conducted an energy audit on the municipal buildings. The town has seen signifi-cant savings by following the recommendations in the audit by replacing existing lighting with LED lights, replacing the hot water heater, install-ing insulation and replacing an outdated furnace.. It was noted that dur-ing the winter the new furnace saved 30% in heating costs.
The town also has received a generator through a FEMA grant that pro-vides power to the town hall in emergency situations. The building is now a certified Red Cross emergency shelter.
Northern Oneida County Council of Governments (NOCCOG)