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NYC Mayor Sets Solar & Storage Goals

Solar panels together


Mayor Bill de Blasio has committed to the City’s first ever energy storage deployment target — 100 megawatt-hours (MWh) by 2020. Further, due to the quadrupling of solar since the Mayor’s initial OneNYC goal in 2014, the mayor set a new target for solar capacity, raising it to 1,000 MW of solar in NYC by 2030. Sustainable CUNY leads the  NYC Solar Partnership that is charged with helping the City achieve these goals and established the Smart Distributed Generation Hub in 2013 to create the pathway through the regulatory process for storage technologies and develop a robust marketplace that is able to fully realize the many values of solar+storage.

“The exponential growth of solar in New York City has been fueled by the largest mayoral commitment in the country that sets direction for the actions of the NYC Solar Partnership,” said Tria Case, University Director of Sustainability at CUNY, and lead for the NYC Solar Partnership. “Solar+Storage offers opportunities to add resiliency and confront climate change. The Smart DG Hub, led by Sustainable CUNY, is working with the mayor’s office to connect stakeholders and to lay the pathway to the storage market in NYC and is proud to support these new and important, industry transforming storage goals.”