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K-Solar from New York Power Authority & NYSERDA Helps New York Schools Go Solar

We recently discovered this great idea to help schools go solar and realize the benefits of renewable energy.  This video for Solar Schools puts it all in perspective.

Click here to watch the Solar Schools video.

Now, New York State has a similar program.  K-Solar, a joint project of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), will provide NYS school districts, AT NO COST and NO OBLIGATION, with the tools, and expertise to bring solar energy to their facilities and reduce their energy costs.

NYPA’s free energy advisor service will:

  • Provide you with a site report to determine if your facilities are suitable for solar energy.
  • Estimate your potential savings on future energy bills.
  • Ensure your solar project has access to NYSERDA incentives to lower your overall cost.
  • Explain how public schools can be eligible to receive federal tax credits that will lower the cost of your solar installation.
  • Show you how to have solar panels installed on your roof without incurring an upfront cost.
  • Work with SED to streamline the permitting process to install solar at your school.
  • Create a purchasing coalition of school districts throughout New York, providing your district with the benefit of high volume pricing, with the objective of making your solar rate the same or less than your utility rate.

Schools looking for more information or that are interested in registering for K-Solar should visit the K-Solar page here.