Town of Dunkirk approves Brigham Road solar project
AUG 25, 2023
BRADEN CARMEN | Reporter |
Another solar energy project has been approved in the Town of Dunkirk.
The special use permit application for a utility scale solar project located on Brigham Road was approved at the most recent meeting of the Dunkirk Town Board.
The Dunkirk Town Planning Board suggested three conditions be attached to the approval, which the Town Board included in its conditional approval. The Planning Board’s conditions were the construction of an access road for emergency vehicles to utilize, a review of vegetation after 12 months to assess if additional vegetation surrounding the system is necessary, and that the two parcels of land utilized for the project be merged into one parcel, through the town assessor.
The company overseeing the project, Solar Liberty, of Buffalo, has entered into a Payment in lieu of Taxes (PILOT) agreement with payments made to Chautauqua County, the Town of Dunkirk, and the Dunkirk City School District.
The project also will be part of a Host Community Agreement with the Town of Dunkirk to provide additional compensation on top of the PILOT disbursements. The project will also provide discounts to the energy consumers of the town and surrounding areas through National Grid.
The Town Board first issued a negative declaration to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, on a resolution motioned by Town Board member Priscilla Penfold. The Board then voted unanimously to approve the project’s special use permit application, on a resolution motioned by Town Board member Dr. Jay Bishop.
Full Article: Town of Dunkirk approves Brigham Road solar project | News, Sports, Jobs – Observer Today