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Utility-Scale Solar Solutions


Aerial of solar array

As the largest solar installation company in New York State, Solar Liberty has worked with numerous municipalities and utility partners in the development of large-scale, utility-grade solar power plants. With more than 140 megawatts of solar power installed, Solar Liberty brings our extensive experience to every project. From initial design and permitting to development, construction, installation, and bringing the system online, you’ll never be in the dark. We walk with you through every step of your commercial utility scale solar panel experience.


Sunset with solar panels

Solar Liberty is proud to offer a new option in renewable energy. Community Solar uses economies of scale with fewer carbon emissions by designing and installing utility scale solar panel systems (solar arrays). These solar arrays produce renewable energy that the local community can use. With renewable energy, your community will decrease their environmental impact, and you’ll save resources otherwise spent on standard, unclean energy sources.

Solar Liberty offers years of experience and expertise in the development of Community Solar projects. From identifying sites to permitting, designing, installation and grid-tie-in, Solar Liberty offers turnkey solar solutions. This allows utility companies to provide highly demanded renewable power to customers while streamlining the grid integration process. If your New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, or Vermont district has untouched land or roof space, installing commercial utility solar panel systems could benefit the entire county.


Aerial of solar power

Large-Scale Solar Could Be Your Next Cash Crop

The rapid expansion of solar energy has created significant financial opportunities for both landowners and farmers. Over time, solar farming has become increasingly more valuable. Upfront expense typically turns many people away without a second glance. However, countless opportunities and benefits await farmers, landowners, or anyone who wants to capitalize on clean energy distribution. Utility scale solar project operators quickly see a return on their investment within the first few years. Several financial opportunities and programs are in place to help you begin. Learn more about the solar power opportunities for landowners.

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When you’re ready to get started with commercial, utility-scale solar power systems for your district or personal land, contact Solar Liberty. We gladly provide free commercial solar evaluations and estimates in New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

a solar farm with rows of solar panels generating power in a large field a solar farm with rows of solar panels generating power in a large field
About Solar Liberty:
  • 20 Years of company experience: Since 2003, we’ve helped homeowners and businesses utilize the power of solar to reduce their carbon footprint and save money.
  • Family-Owned & -Operated: We offer the personalized customer service that you can only get from a local, family-owned team.
  • Philanthropic: We work with the Solar Liberty Foundation to bring solar energy to underdeveloped nations and impoverished people.
  • Competitive Pricing: We believe investing in the clean energy movement shouldn't cost an arm and a leg. Our competitive pricing helps keep your project within budget.
  • Online reviews & customer testimonials: We offer the highest quality products and superior service!
  • NABCEP-certified: Our highly knowledgeable solar experts will ensure your system is safely and properly installed to pull maximum energy from the sun.